Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Think Pair Share Disertai dengan Game Truth or Dare Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

  • Mela Cahya Putri Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Friyatmi Friyatmi Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: hasil belajar, think pair share, truth or dare, konvensional


The aimed of this study is to ascertain how the truth-or-dare game and the think-pair-share method affect the learning outcomes of students at SMAN 1 Kec. New Koto Base. This study used a randomized control group pretest-posttest design and is a quantitative experimental research design. Purposive sampling was used to choose the research sample. The class X IPS 1 and X IPS 2 sample was selected. A test of the learning outcomes of the students was the research tool used. The t test was used in this study to assess the hypothesis. plans for study of several kinds. The study's findings indicate that when students play the truth-or-dare game in addition to the think-pair-share technique, their learning outcomes alter.


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How to Cite
Putri, M., & Friyatmi, F. (2024). Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Think Pair Share Disertai dengan Game Truth or Dare Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa. Jurnal Salingka Nagari, 3(1), 137-143.